What is Premarital Counseling???


Shalom brothers and sisters, welcome to my blog "berkatrohani14.blogspot.com". Of course you want to know the meaning of premarital counseling. Therefore, I will explain a little about what premarital counseling is. Hope this can help you guys. Thank you Lord Jesus bless us all GBU.


Definition of Premarital Counseling

     To enter specifically into premarital counseling, the researcher will first explain the meaning of premarital counseling in general and premarital counseling according to OT and NT biblical principles.


Understanding Premarital Counseling in General


Pre-marital counseling is an effort to help prospective married couples by a professional counselor, so that they can develop and be able to solve every problem they face with respect, tolerance and understanding communication so that family motivation, development, and motivation can be achieved. independence, and well-being of all family members. Premarital counseling is a special counseling for prospective couples who are about to get married. Broadly speaking, counseling is a reciprocal relationship between two individuals, namely between counselors who try to help and guide prospective partners to understand how to overcome any problems they face. This is in line with the opinion of Elisa B. Surbakti who said that premarital counseling is a church effort in providing guidance to prospective spouses (congregation members) to help them in getting married so that they are able to overcome any difficult times that will be faced. So premarital counseling is an effort made by counselors to prospective couples who want to get married to help them so that after marriage they can maintain their marriage in whatever circumstances they experience.

Premarital counseling is a process carried out by counselors in fostering the two prospective couples who will marry, for them to know each other, understand and accept each partner's shortcomings and strengths both physically and mentally before making a decision to take a marriage.

Premarital counseling is a mentoring carried out by counselors to prospective couples who are about to get married. Premarital counseling as a giver of assistance to the two potential partners to create a happy family. That's why premarital counseling is very important to be given to prospective couples who will marry, in accordance with the goals that have been set.

According to Jonathan, premarital counseling is a series of meetings between counselors and prospective married couples to discuss important principles in realizing success in the household. Jonathan sees that in premarital counseling there are important things that prospective couples must know before they get married in order to create a happy family. This is in line with what was stated by Howard that premarital counseling is a form of help given to prospective married couples, so that they are able to create a harmonious relationship and can grow together in the talents that God has given. Howard sees that prospective married couples need guidance from a counselor before marriage, so that they can create a harmonious home. So, to achieve a harmonious family, the prospective husband and wife need to go through premarital counseling before marriage in order to understand and understand the meaning of the marriage that will take place.

According to Abineno, premarital counseling is a conversation between pastors that contains important matters relating to Christian affirmation and words between the counselor and the two potential partners. Abineno sees that premarital counseling is not just a meeting, but there will be important things that will be discussed regarding the ongoing marriage of the two prospective couples who will get married. This is not in line with what was stated by Paul D. Meier who explained that premarital counseling is a desired time for prospective partners to gain insight into the meaning of marriage and to prepare themselves to get to know their partner. Premarital counseling is a time and opportunity for prospective couples to sit together and listen to guidance from a counselor who is guided by a pastor. So that prospective partners get the correct knowledge and insight about Christian marriages and get to know each other before entering into marriage.

So, from the views of the experts above, it can be concluded that premarital counseling is a mentoring carried out by counselors/churches to prepare prospective couples who will get married to understand each other and understand each other. Premarital counseling is a means to guide prospective couples to achieve a happy family.

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