Meditations on Quiet Times Romans 12:1-8

Romans 12:1-8

Meditation on True Worship

Written By: Pure Ndraha

        Shalom dear brothers and sisters in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to my personal blog is "". On this occasion I will discuss a Meditation on True Worship. The purpose of the reflection that I share is so that all of us can understand how true worship is pleasing to God.

        Of course, as believers, we must worship God every day. Worship is a fellowship of Christians to praise and glorify the name of God. In the conditions we are facing now where the covid pandemic prevents us from being able to gather and fellowship together as usual at church. But that doesn't stop us from worshiping God because there are still online systems that help us to still be able to worship even in our own homes.

        Even though we have to attend worship virtually in our respective places, our motivation to worship is still directed to God. Even though the pandemic has taken the world by storm. We as believers are precisely in that condition that we are more persistent and more earnest to praise and glorify God's name in our daily lives.

    True Worship is where we present our bodies as living, holy and acceptable sacrifices to God. Not being conformed to the world but having a renewal of mind so that we can distinguish which will of God is good, pleasing to God and perfect.

    True worship must be based on grace so that we serve no longer thinking about worldly things but we are always focused and focused on God. Our worship of God must really be with our sincerity, not just as a routine or a rule. But we realize that the worship we do is worthy and pleasing to God.

    True worship means offering the body which means that we surrender our lives totally to God. That's why Paul emphasized how we as believers really live in true worship offerings to God.

    So, brothers, let's dedicate our lives to the glory of God's name, while there is still time and opportunity, let's use it as an opportunity to give a fragrant offering before God. Even though in the condition of covid, it will not be an obstacle for us believers to fellowship with God.

Amen Lord Jesus bless us all.


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