
     Marriage is something that needs to be considered. In marriage there are many disturbances or problems in a marriage that can have an effect in all other aspects of life, both in physical health, work, school, relationships and others. Moreover, the spiritual life of the family is disturbed. Failure in marriage is the main cause in all other aspects of life.

Remarriage is a topic of discussion that is widely discussed today, even in every church denomination today they have their own views due to the occurrence of remarriage which is a reality of life that is currently experienced by many Christians. Thus they need to have a Biblical grip.

Marriage is an eternal commitment between a man and a woman that involves mutual sexual rights. In marriage between a man and a woman the Biblical view is biological. Where from the beginning that God created male and female (Genesis 1:7) who commanded them to be fruitful and multiply (v.28). This can happen if there is unity between men and women.

Then the two will become one flesh, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife (v. 24). the use of husband and wife in the context of father and mother becomes clear that it denotes a man and a woman biologically. This confirms that the marriage is a man and a woman. Thus what is called a homosexual marriage is not a biblical marriage and for that matter.

A.  Ethical view of marriage

Marriage is not only a ceremonial one that is only for fun, but also if there is a mismatch or there are problems, it is easy to say for divorce. Marriage is a sacred calling which as said to every human being has a call to marry in his life. (Mathila AMW Birowo. 2016:179)

In Matthew 19:9, it is stated that there are those who approve of divorce but there are also those who do not agree with the existence of remarriage, there are those who agree with both things and there are also those who do not agree with both of these things.


B.  The views of various religions

The family describes a figure in religion in the world by providing a reminder that marriage in the catholic teachings of a man and woman who have undergone a marriage cannot be divorced again.

The understanding of the family from the Christian point of view is in accordance with or the same as what is described by Catholic teaching. God wants a marriage to be a living fellowship, which can be interpreted as a marriage that cannot be used to seek an interest from personal life.

According to the Buddhist view, marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of being able to form a happy family and be able to follow the teachings of the Buddha regarding the practice of right living. (Mathilda. 2014;187)

The views of the church fathers on divorce and remarriage

1.  Emperor Justin 1 (527-565), he as a Christian jurist, confirmed the custom laid down in Roman law to permit divorce and remarriage in cases of adultery. With this regulation, it has a strong enough influence on the congregation in the Eastern Church.

2.  The church councils and the pope expressly do not allow divorce and remarriage. But there were two local Councils named Veberie (755) and Compiegne (757) which were in France. They both allowed it to happen. However, there were many difficulties that occurred when they wanted to carry out these teachings in England and France. Because in France, the church does not teach to divorce and such things were rejected by the Synod in Paris (829) at the time of Ludovicus I. (Purwa Hadiwardoyo.2007:37). Martin Luther does not allow divorce, he allows divorce if there is a Bible verse that can be a strong basis to justify and give permission for divorce and remarriage and has been declared valid before the law. John Feinberg states that there is no such thing as divorce and remarriage. Craig S. Keener expressed his opinion that if in a marriage there is adultery, separation, physical violence and various forms of severe morality, it is permissible to divorce and remarry.

Bible View

The wife is a commensurate helper for her husband, the wife is not merely made as a male slave but as a commensurate helper chosen by God directly. Examples such as Adam and Eve who were brought by God himself, not them or their parents who brought but God. Matches that are under by God are the right choices of God or in accordance with God's will. Finding a mate as sought by God is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand but has a very long process of struggle. To understand God's will in a mate is very important, to be able to find out who the mate provided by God is, of course, through the introduction process first, namely knowing the characteristics of the whole person, after that we need to pray for him.



     In a marriage of faith and unbelieving, keep building a good household relationship because a believer cannot divorce his partner (husband or wife). Separation is a good way out in a marital relationship, separation is not a must when the household experiences conflict.

Sometimes because of not having children from the first marriage, the husband or wife experiences disappointment and looks for another partner, resulting in divorce or division in the household relationship that has been built for several years.

As a shepherd in preventing separation in a household that will be separated, a shepherd must provide counseling to them by giving them advice as written in (Matt. 18:15-20). So that they can realize it. But when they still insist on a divorce then they don't involve the church or the pastor in all of it

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